
Our Team Approach

When you work with RealHR, you are hiring a team of experts and benefitting from our collective experience. The consultant best suited to your needs will provide you with dedicated, one-on-one support, while you also benefit from involvement from one of our Partners and the support of an entire team with deep, functional knowledge of all HR areas.

Our Experts

RealHR is comprised of dedicated and committed HR experts that come from varied backgrounds, bringing their personal and professional experiences to our team and to the diverse clients and needs we serve.


Alexandra Lewis
Director of Business Operations
+ Bio

RealHR-Solutions-Ariana Levine

Ariana Levine
Senior HR Consultant
+ Bio

Emma Wiggans

Emma Wiggans
HR Coordinator
+ Bio


Jill Krumholz
Managing Partner
+ Bio

Kate Bruce

Kate Bruce
Senior HR Consultant
+ Bio


Susan Kreeger
Founder & CEO
+ Bio

Consultants to RealHR Solutions

Abby Duran headshot

Abby Duran
Consultant, Human Resources
+ Bio

Anita Nygaard

Anita Nygaard
Consultant, California Human Resources
+ Bio

RealHR-Solutions-Camille Gargiso

Camille Gargiso
Consultant, Human Resources
+ Bio

Cindy Pallman-David

Cindy Pallman-David
Consultant, Executive Search
+ Bio

Kim Freeman

Kim Freeman
Consultant, Human Resources
+ Bio

Nidhi Gupta

Nidhi Gupta
HR Consultant
+ Bio

Lana Coutros

Lana Coutros
Consultant, Human Resources
+ Bio


Valerie Roy
Senior HR Consultant
+ Bio

Learn how we can help you.

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Our Affiliations

RealHR partners with other HR consultants, employment attorneys and vendors, to ensure local or subject matter expertise.